Friday, January 21, 2011


English teachers read student work. They read it a lot. I have been blessed this week to have had the privilege of reading the travel journals of our students.
*Some have amazing thoughts to share...and it is worth the deciphering of the handwriting....but GLORY, where were the teachers who taught penmanship? I did ask for 'creative' journaling and some of that handwriting was certainly 'creative' wonder these kids text!
*Creativity...Some jounrals are so creative with their scrapbooking styles...they have a knack for concise but insightful posts. (Did we used to call scrapbooking "posts?") I love seeing the bits of 'memorabilia' that they saved along the way.
*Memories....I loved reading about the memories of the London trip and the expectations for the Italy trip. Some of the students were fortunate and got to travel to Europe TWICE during their high school years. It made me feel wonderful that it was a great experience for them. It showed me that the investment of my time was well spent (the planning time!)
*Repeat visits.....In London, the kids were constantly finding Starbucks. Not so in Italy...I don't think we EVER saw a Starbucks.....but they found a new stop....GELATARIA....the place you go for Gelato...and no, the American version is NOT the same. Looks the same. I wonder how much Gelato was consumed by this group.
*Addictions....we asked them to avoid the energy drinks. I was thinking of those things in cans. It never occurred to me that espresso and cappuccino would entice them .....and keep calling to them. I probably did not think of coffee as addictive since I do not drink it. But they found a new love for Italian coffee. I wonder if Starbucks will satisfy them now.
*Architecture...I was quite pleased at how much they appreciated the architecture of ancient days...and also astounded that they were amazed that it was still standing. We live in such a temporary world...building gets out of style, we bulldoze and rebuild. Europeans embrace what has stood for centuries and take care of it. (Well, they put a lot of graffiti on buildings and don't clean it off, but if you skip the ground floor view....)
* was wonderful to read about some of their spiritual insights and how so many of them hope that international travel will be a part of their future. I hope they let God make an impact on their life no matter where they are or what they are doing.
*Sweet...there were even some 'thank yous'...that was unexpected. I guess there is a reason I drive an hour each way to spend time with TMA students. They are great kids and I know that I have great expectations for what God will do in their lives!

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