Now, this might be just an illusion of coolness going on in my head, though I do enjoy cool more than hot. In reality, it is currently 72 degrees in our hometown with an outlook of sun all week. On the other hand, it is currently 43 degrees in Edinburgh (that is the high, the low is 39) with, can you believe it....little rain symbols all week. I believe our tour guide called it a frozen fog. Well, the golashes and Makintosh will come in handy! (That is a raincoat, not a computer)
This afternoon I will be reviewing some notes on how to shoot decent photos in the rain! I am personally excited to try out my new Techno-Gloves....a gift from my sister and this year's 'secret santa.' I love the Isotoners anyway but these are furry warm on the inside and have thin little tips with a bit of embroidery for you can use those digital buttons and touch screens without removing your gloves. Very handy indeed!
We have one last meeting...the kids and chaperones....before we have our early morning check in at the airport. The trip date at one time seemed so far into the future, but here it is, right upon us. Oh how time flies when you are having fun!
I am excited about the things we have to learn about our new destination. Our focus is literary and world view and my prayer for each student is that they will embrace the largeness...and smallness...of our world and use this time to allow God to help them define their purpose and their mission during their earthly journey towards their heavenly home.
As would seem normal, I am particularly excited to see the Book of Kells in Dublin. This is the first illuminated manuscript of the Bible...(Gospels)...and like every other masterpiece I have ever seen, it just is not the same when viewed in a book. So, rain or no rain, freezing cold or not....we will have a great time!
Latha Math