Thursday, January 10, 2013

Really? High Tech in Germany?

High Tech Germany has not been so high tech for us these past few days. Here and there I have been able to pick up email from parents and friends, but have not been able to get many messages out. I also have not been able to blog....oh my goodness, how in the world did we ever survive without immediate internet technology?

I recall our first trip to London when we were snowed in and dependent upon a land line. We are so much more tech savvy now, but some of these little towns in Germany....not so much.   Even so, the trade off is fine, and none of us would trade the experience of getting to know the 'real' Germany only for keeping our selves 'connected.'

But...I bet I know some parents who are getting a little antsy...and hopefully not anxious!   After a really really long day of adventures, I am finally sitting down....ahh, that feels good! Of course, I also hope that I don't ramble as I try to avoid drifting off for some much needed slumber.

For tonight, we are going to call this the check in. Let me assure you all that the students are fine. This group is working together wonderfully and have been great passengers and students of the world. The airline flight attendants much enjoyed them. Jacob was able to see the sleeping bunks as we landed and we even learned a bit about Germany from one of the ladies who flew out of Atlanta, but lived in Tampa.

Everything went smoothly in the Frankfurt airport...what a beautiful place....and we met Daniel our EF tour guide. He is young, personable, very German, and is no problem at all to understand, even with his wonderful German accent. I can already tell that he is a wealth of knowledge. He has worked for EF Tours for 8 tour seasons and handled many kinds of groups. After a bit, he told us that the first tour of each year can tend to be a tough crowd, but that we were the best 'first tour' that he had ever experienced!

We left the airport and headed toward Rothenburg, but not until we had seen a good bit of Frankfurt. We did a really nice bit of walking....a good things since we did not collectively sleep too well on the plane and were significantly tired. Bear with me on photos, and I will try to post some tomorrow. We took a group shot in front of the European Central Bank, which you should recognize by it's huge 'Euro" sculpture.

We strolled by the river and walked through the neighborhoods. It was a lovely morning. We lunched and then hopped aboard our coach to get to Rothenburg. And yes, even though Daniel was telling us stories, we all fell was cat-nap time.   We awoke to an overcast sky and stopped at the old city wall of Rothenburg. I will tell more with the photos, but the kids had a great time shooting photos in this quaint little town that was only lightly bombed during the war!

After our stroll, we listened and watched the Glockenspheil chime. Daniel told us some great historical stories and then we loaded up for Munich....what a day's work! (We shopped just a little and got back to the warm bus!)

We stayed in a quaint little bed and breakfast hotel and had dinner just down the street.  Then off to bed...and so many were begging to skip dinner and go right to sleep. Well done, young people! (Only none of them are firefighter material just yet....I am so glad that I can do 24/7 every now and again!)

This morning we headed to Munich...or rather Munchen.
Lost report: one ipad. Now being shipped to Heidelberg. Whew, good recovery.
No students lost, none ill.

We stopped in Nurenburg along the way. This had not been on my agenda but Daniel was born here and wanted to show us his home town. What a great way to spend our free time!  His parents stopped in to see us as well and they are delightful! What a good son they have!   So we got a great tour of the castle, of the town center, and stories of Daniel's childhood and youth '

Most of us had lunch in a wonderful lunch hall....Bratvurstmarkt or something like that. They served brats..and not much more....but oh wow!  It was a family style restaurant, so they filled in the tables ...until they were full. Several in the group had a meal with the locals at their table and one group was even treated to lunch by an American living in Germany for many years. Evidently it was nice for him to talk to people from back home and he bought their lunches!

And back to the bus to meet our 3 pm tour guide in Munich. Perhaps this is where we dozed as well....oh, being a traveler is not easy....when you engage in the culture and meet people, the richness of the experience takes a lot out of you!

Monica was our cityguide in Munich and she too was a wealth of knowledge. It was interesting to hear the German perspective on things like the atomic bomb and war. We look forward to more discussions. This is a great learning experience....the hearing of various perspectives helps us to grow.

My head is swimming with all that I would love to write and share, but there are still days for that.  I should have internet for the next few days and I will post again.
Until then...know that your students are safe and in good hands. Pray for us as we go to Dachau tomorrow as it will be an emotional experience. I can't be sure that I am even prepared for it. We will also spend some time visiting more churches, climb a church tower in order to view the city. I think there is some shopping scattered in as well.

I shall rest now so that I can be prepared to greet these wonderful young people bright and early in the morning!  Unless they did not have an internet connection, they should have texted you by now!

If technology works in my favor, I will post some photos tomorrow.

Auf vitersein....