Sunday, January 9, 2011


Tonight I am standing at the window enjoying the laughter of young people and the cool breeze as I post. The window....some clever young men found free this seems practical. There are no real keyboards at our Rome hotel, so if there are errors in this post...I will edit when I get home. There are a lot of things we really appreciate in America!

Yesterday we visited thee hill cities. I will expand on the adventure later. We visited the catacombs of San Callisto before entering Rome. What a moving experience. We reached Rome before dinner and settled in. more later.

Today we started off with a short message by Jimmy, our tour guide. He is outstanding and is studying to be a pastor. The kids keep calling him Joshua or Mr. expeditions. We spent the day in ancient Rome. It was almost like living out a sermon....the history of the early church...the crazy mythology of the Greeks and Romans....and how the Christians were practical, turning pagan temples into churches. We have also clearly seen that our culture is not so different from the Romans in so many ways. It really challenged our young people to be different and stand up for a better standard.

The young gentlemen who shared the wi fi window tonight must go to sleep, so this will be a short post. I suspect that many students are staying in touch and I know that you are not worried. We are doing great, any "situations"are easily resolved and I will report more as soon as possible.

Tomorrow....Vatican City.

the comment I just heard from the room....."Julius Caesar's tomb...what a joke. They have all these great structures and they give him a pile of dirt with some flowers on it!"

Ah....the windows of the world have been opened for us.
Pray for everyone to stay well....tiredness is setting in.

Blessings from Rome.

1 comment:

  1. Judi, this post may be my favorite in many ways, leaving my mind begging for more. I am fascinated by Rome as it is so tied in with Paul's writings in the Bible.
    What a wonderful adventure you all are experiencing.
