Day One of our trip was all about Air Time - being in the air, or wanting to be in the air! Most of the students had some challenge with packing. Most over-packed. I over packed, I almost always do, but I tend to think of what I might need for the kids. This thinking probably should stop now. They are pretty self-sufficient! Thanks, Kristin, for showing us how to fit everything into only a carry on bag! Three of the group managed to do that!

Orlando International Airport: 8:30 AM. Whether they were really 'morning people' or not, everyone made it on time and we did not have to send out texts to find out when anyone planned to arrive! Because I had set up a group check in with Continental Airlines, the check in process was very smooth. Totals: 23 Boarding Passes. 20 Checked bags with the crazy colored tags.

Challenge Number One: Parents, say 'Farewell, for now." The kids were pretty much ready to go! (I did wonder who would be homesick first...students or parents?)
"You will never be lonely from the start of the day til its end... if you walk life's path with love in your heart, and side by side with a friend." (Anon.)
I wonder how many people know that in each terminal, just after you pass through security, you can find a small chapel. It is always nice to take a moment, gather in that little chapel and thank God for His blessings on us, and to ask for traveling mercies as we set off across the world. "For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 |
This made most of us very very happy. Need I say more? (Unfortunately we did not have free wi-fi in Newark!) "For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake" Robert Louis Stevenson |
Both in Orlando and in Newark, we had to pass the time. Different students passed the time in different ways, but they used time wisely. Several journaled, some read (The Hunger Games was a favorite), there was a puzzle, texting, blogging, and some intense games of UNO! Some students had the ability to sleep any time the action slowed down.
"You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything that I do." Psalm 139:3 (NLT)
UNO - only one of many intense rounds! |
Newark food court - pretty outstanding. The masks are likely a statement about smoke. |
Pigeons in the airport. Entertainment on damand. |
You can never go wrong with Munchkins! |
Puzzle team! |
Always necessary to get a blog posted when you can! Free wi-fi was found in Newark if you got close to the United Club upstairs. The wi-fi drifted down from above. (Last trip with a computer. I will learn to speed type on an ipad!) |
Sharing music...and ready to board! |
Off we go for a Scottish/Irish Adventure!
"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." Amelia Earhart |
We made it safely to foreign soil. The interesting stop in Glasgow was the restroom. Saying "ok, you can change into cold weather clothes" was intended as...add a layer. Imagine the shock when the chaperones made it to the restroom (last) and found opened suitcases wide open and girls rummaging for what would become a TOTAL CHANGE of outfits! Poor Terry had about decided that our flight was delayed by the time we actually got through baggage claim and out to him! |
We made it through IMMIGRATION in short order (because we were so far behind everyone else that flew in with us.) The guys headed to the luggage carousel to locate our 20 bags with the crazy colored tags. "Piece of cake" they said, because there were only 20 bags on the carousel! |
Due to a car bomb near the terminal over two years ago, buses are no longer allowed to go up to the terminal. When that brisk Scottish wind cut through what we thought was a warm winter coat, none of us were sleepy anymore! It had rained for three days before we arrived so the sky was still gloomy. Though it was almost 9 AM, the sun was not fully up in the sky just yet. Davey was our bus driver and he was quite surprised to see only 23 people with SO MUCH LUGGAGE! If the group had been any larger, we would have had a real problem! (That is a problem for another year, however!) |

By the time we reached our Harlequin Coach we were totally excited to see Scotland but also tired after a very long day and night. As we were boarding for the day, our families were snuggled in their beds in the wee hours of the morning. We were all ready for some breakfast since the croissant and fruit on the plane was not enough to carry us until lunchtime. Did you notice that our bus had tables and backward facing seats? The windows were HUGE, so photos quickly became a real possibility!
So, as we completed Day One and started Day Two, we were off to gain some great experiences. Hopefully travel will change each student and will help them to grow in God's ways. It is wonderful to have a group of students that blends together so well and laughs with, prays with, and encourages one another!
You should walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, prosper, and that it will be well with you.
Deuteronomy 5:33 NKJV
Day 2 - no rest for the weary, we shall sleep....tonight!
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