Friday, January 6, 2012

Morning Tours

Hopefully jet lag is at bay and it appears that everyone did as planned and slept well! Breakfast was good but not as hearty as our London fare. Florida Oranges, they were quite proud of!
Our day guide arrived during breakfast, fully decked out in his Kilt and Cape....the girls loved it!
It looks like we will have fairly nice weather with a chance of rain tonight. We see that it was such a blessing that we arrived on Thursday rather than our typical Wednesday, for Glasgow had the most horrific storms two days earlier. Even the river in Edinburgh was running very fast...rapids....which was quite unusual.

I will try to post photos tonight.
Now it is time to "get on with it"....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judi, I have been out of commission with a pinched nerve for a week and a half, so I did not find your trip blog until now. I am looking forward to reading each day's entry. :-)))
