Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sleepless in Orlando

Is it early...or is it late? Sleep eludes me tonight. I is probably because there is so much excitement on my mind....the olde brain just will not stop spining! I am told that it is quite on the cold side in Scotland at the moment. It is actually quite on the cold side in Florida as well. I keep throwing more logs on the fire and I am quite content snuggles up on the couch rather than heading to the far northern regions (down the hall) to the bedroom)....I probably keep waking up because the fire keeps going out!

The bags are packed...I am ready to go. Well....I am never ready enough because I  like to leave things 'just so.'....this time however, I did not manage...'just so.'  That frustrates me, but pacing ones self has bexome more important as I grow nearer to .....old. Thank goodness for these trips with kids....they keep me young!

I will blog as often as I can....the adventure is about to begin.....I c an hardly wait to see all of the cheery faces....students and parents alike.....bright and early.

For now...I think I will do like a firefighter and pull on my boots....and doze until the bell rings!

1 comment:

  1. Sleeping those last few minutes in your boots is a great idea. :-)
